1100 金屬亮光膏狀750ml
- 750ml
The magic metal gloss paste is suitable for all metal products, including electroplating, aluminum, copper, various alloys, and can also be used in household kitchen utensils and hardware products. The effect of the product is amazing, with the powerful functions of cleaning, brightening, rust removal, three effects in one. It can not only polish and brighten your beloved metal objects, but also form a natural protective film after use, which will increase the service life of your objects! The ingredients are natural, non-toxic, and non-irritating, which is an "immediately effective" Revolutionary product. 1000 paste abrasive particles are coarser and have poor protection effect. If it is combined with AUTOSOL "1188 Multifunctional Metal Cleaning Gloss Protective Paste", the effect will be even more significant.